Saturday, November 15, 2008

Announcing the Arrival of...

Tait Edward Zimmerman, Jr.

Early, but healthy, Little Tait was born on November 6, 2008, at 3:29 pm, delivered by emergency C-section. At just 27 weeks along, he needed (and still needs!) all of the prayers he so lovingly received from all of our faithful family and friends.

Thankfully, he has been breathing on his own from the beginning, and hasn't needed a respirator, which is apparently very rare for babies born at his stage in life.
While we didn't plan or expect him quite this early, we are so thankful for our precious baby boy! We hope to be able to bring him home around the middle or end of January. Please be praying that he grows into a strong, healthy newborn over the next 2-1/2 months!
Here are a few pictures from his first few days in the wide, wide world....

Where our little son will spend the first several months of his life

Since this picture, he has shed the CPAP and the goggles!

Family picture


Samalah said...

Praise the Lord for a safe delivery! What a beautiful gift the Lord has given you! We will keep you all in our prayers,

God Bless,
Samalah (a reader from New Zealand)

Anonymous said...

CONGRATULATIONS Tait and Lauren on baby Tait! I'm praying for you all. May God continue to bless your growing family!

Shalom! :-)

EL said...


Love you Big Tait, Lauren and Little Z!! Great post, Lauren!

Anonymous said...

So precious, Tait and Lauren! Congratulations on the birth of your first born son! I'll be praying for you all.

Love in Christ,

Molly in NC

Anonymous said...

Congratulation! When you said "coming soon . . ." you meant it! I pray all the best for you. I bet you are one proud mother.
--a canadian friend,

Mommaof10 said...

Congratulations Tait & Lauren! Our prayers are with you.

In Him,
The Seargeant Family
Recording the Faithfulness and Provision of God for Future Generations

Anonymous said...

How surprised I was to see a new post-I was certainly not expecting to see a birth announcement! Congratulations on the birth of little Tait! I will be praying for him (and his mommy and daddy)as he continues to grow and mature. I'm so glad that he has not needed a respirator-that's such a big thing.
I hope you are well on the road to recovery Lauren. My firstborn was delivered via an emergency C-section and I remember the recovery not being too fun. Thankfully, the next 4 were all born via VBAC-so I hope that you will be able to have the same experience.
He is tiny but wonderful and I'm so glad he's here.
BTW-I have finally started my own blog ( I only have a few posts on it right now. When things finally settle down for you, please come by to see my blog (especially since I've been lurking here for about a year and a half now) and be sure to leave a comment so I know you've stopped by. :-)
I'll be watching for more updates and pictures of little Tait.
God bless you!

Anonymous said...

Awww! This is the first time that I have seen my little nephew without anything on his face.....he is absolutely adorable. I love his little nose!! :)

We're still praying for ya'll!!

Mom_E said...

I will be praying for your precious new little one!!!

Sarah E
in S'ville

Unknown said...

Praise the Lord! I love this picture! Sounds like you guys are all doing well! I love the name you guys finally settled on. We will continue to keep you all in our prayers.

Anonymous said...

How is the baby doing?

Lauren said...

I suppose I need to publish an update: don't I? I'll try to do that soon!

He's doing very well, and we're still hoping to be able to bring him home around the middle or end of January. He's nearly 5 pounds now, and is completely adorable! I'll work on a more detailed update when I get a chance!


Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas! We pray that you will have a blessed Christmas with precious baby Tait! We are continuing to pray that he is growing healthy and strong. Your Strength and Hope in Christ shines brightly. Please give us an update as soon as you have time!

OurLilFullFam said...


I am a homeschooling mama of 4 in Charleston and I am praying for you and your little baby. I am glad he is doing better, and I pray you can bring him home very soon!

Haugh Family said...

Congratualtions! Our first was due March 3, but born Dec 27th by emergency C-section. We had planned on a natural delivery with a midwife, but that didn't turn out to be the right plan. At 2 1/2 pounds he was sooooo tiny. Fast forward a few years, and it's hard to beleive he was ever that small. Those first weeks in the hospital were so rough, but just wait until you get him home :)

Anonymous said...

Is the little guy home yet?

Anonymous said...

We too had a son born at 27 weeks. We were told that he would never be normal due to brain damage. He is 2 1/2 now and he is as normal as can be. I'm sure your sweet boy is home by now so I hope that you are enjoying every moment. God Bless!

Tricia said...

Would love to hear how you are doing. Hope the baby is well and that you are enjoying life as a mom.


Sarah said...

Hey Lauren,
I know you don't know me, but I've been reading a bit of your blog (from down here in Portland, OR) and have really enjoyed getting to know you. I'll be praying for your little one.
In His Hand,