Thursday, August 16, 2007

As Most of You Have Probably Guessed....

Important bit of news: Alaska is absolutely, positively beautiful!

More important bit of news: We had a wonderful, productive visit with the Zimmerman family.

Most important bit of news: Tait and I are engaged!

We look forward to a life together spent serving the Lord and giving Him the glory for all of the the miraculous ways He has worked.

There are a few old, familiar hymns that particularly stand out to me at this wonderful time.

"Praise God, from whom all blessings flow.
Praise Him, all creatures here below.
Praise Him above, ye heavenly host.
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost."

"Great is thy faithfulness, great is thy faithfulness.
Morning by morning new mercies I see.
All I have needed thy hand hath provided.
Great is thy faithfulness, Lord, unto me."

"Praise the Lord, praise the Lord! Let the earth hear His voice!
Praise the Lord, praise the Lord! Let the people rejoice!
Oh come to the Father through Jesus the Son,
And give Him the glory,

Great things He hath done!”

More breathtaking pictures, animated stories, and informative updates coming soon!


Tait has also posted an engagement announcement on his blog, Not by Bread Alone.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations Lauren and Tait! I had suspected and hoped that perhaps this was your news, but didn't want to assume. :-)
So now for the questions-have you decided on a date? Are you going to be living near his family, your family, or no family? Are you just giddy with excitement? :-)
The pictures are lovely and I will be looking forward to more details of your trip when you have the time.
Many blessings to you,

FitzClan said...

Hello Michelle! I knew I could count on you to comment on this important post! : ) I was trying to figure out whether the smiley face on one of your last comments was for the "news" that I had, or for something else.

We don't have a date that is set in stone yet. It will be sometime late April or beginning of May.

We will be living in Alaska, where he has grown up, and where his family lives. He'll continue working in his family's real estate business. I'll put up a full-fledged post of all our plans soon!

Yes, I am most definitely "giddy with excitement"! Just ask my sisters....

Thank you so much for your beautiful comments; it's nice to get feedback from people who follow our blog!

Many, many blessings to you, "Mrs. W"!

~Tait's bride-to-be

Anonymous said...

I don't know if I'd call myself a "blog-stalker" - but I do tend to read but not to comment unless I have something to add to the conversation. So, let me "delurk" to congratulate you! I have been following your baby sister's story and have enjoyed following your related links as well. You and Tait are both blessed to have "found" each other - but you probably agree with my belief that you were "given" to each other instead. Be blessed and be a blessing!
-Elizabeth in Colorado

FitzClan said...

Hello Elizabeth! It's nice to meet you! I love to meet the people who read our blog, especially those who are interested in Katelyn Grace. (I really need to put up some updates on her and how she's doing, don't I?) May I ask how you came across our blog?

Thank you for your congratulations and for introducing yourself.

Tait and I are so thankful that the Lord orchestrated our meeting, courtship, and now engagement. What was the chance that a young man from Alaska would meet a young lady from South Carolina? Tait took so much initiative in our relationship; he really deserves a lot of credit for "going out on a limb," so to speak.

But I'm sure I'll be saying all of this in a post pretty soon....

Blessings to you Elizabeth!

Anonymous said...

Hearty congratulations to you both from the Shepherd Family!

for all of us

FitzClan said...

Hello Mrs. Shepherd! So good to hear from you! I'm afraid we haven't done too well keeping up after spending that wonderful week with your lovely family in Jamestown. As you can see, things have been busy! : )

I hope your family (all eleven lovely members!) is doing well! Shannon was just looking at your blog today and asking me to name each family member. It looks as if your life hasn't been any too relaxed of late either....

Blessings to all of you,

EL said...

Nice's so nice to be somewhat on the "in" group. =)

Anonymous said...

Hi again - I linked to your blog from a comment you left at some point. I frequent several and sometimes jump from one to another and forget how I got there! I tried writing a blog myself but I'm not really open enough to keep one running.
-Elizabeth again

Anonymous said...

yes! I would say that was a very productive congrats to both of you!

FitzClan said...

Hi Andrew! Thanks!

Nice to "see" you!

Have a wonderful day,

SmithFamily said...

Aww, Lauren the pictures are just beautiful. The Smithy clan here is so excited for y'all!! We pray the Lord will bless you in this new season of life. Congrats!

Rachel for the Smith fam

FitzClan said...

Hello Rachel! Thank you!

Let's see ... your own wedding is coming up in just about three weeks, isn't it? Many, many congratulations to you! I look forward to seeing pictures. I'm sure I may get some good ideas to borrow for mine! : )

Thanks for taking the time to comment, Rachel, in the midst of all your preparations!

Much love,

Kaylene said...

Hi Lauren, I echo Elizabeth. I too, am a lurker having been following the story of your sweet baby sis, and your more recent courtship posts. CONGRATULATIONS!! And may God bless your future union as man and wife!!

PS...I found you through your comments on YLCF.

FitzClan said...

Hello Kaylene! It's so nice to meet you! Thank you for coming out of the shadows. : )

I really do need to get a post up on Katelyn Grace's progress soon. The courtship, and now engagement, have just about taken over the blog!

Thanks for your congratulations!


Anonymous said...

Hey lauren,

someone posted about katelyn on LCHEA's loop, I was wondering how she was doing. me, my fam, and my church will be praying. email me, please

God Bless,


~~Sierra~~ said...

Hi Lauren,
I don't want to be a blog snopper or anything, but I found your blog through LCHEA. I want to congradulate you and Tait. I hope you have a great marriage.


FitzClan said...

Hello Sierra!

It's nice to meet you! It looks like you have a great start on your blog. Keep up the wonderful work!

Thank you so much for your congratulations!
