Friday, February 2, 2007

Bob's Sassafras Tea

Mom was finally convinced to take some sassafras tea. She didn't want to take anything that would speed up the process, saying that "Bob will come when he comes." After a few almost sleepless nights full of regular contractions (which would always subside when morning rolled around), she finally agreed to take something.

The magic potion

"A watched pot (or kettle) never boils." This one finally did, though.

It's all prepared in a mug made by a very dear friend. (Thanks, Christian!)


Her contractions are still irregular, but this baby may yet have a February 2nd birthday! We can only hope... (Happy Birthday, Tait!)

Ya'll, your prayers are appreciated and mean so much to us!

[Edit:: We just realized that today is Groundhog Day. Apparently, an early spring is predicted. : ) German folklore is strange.]

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