Wednesday, February 7, 2007


Today Katelyn Grace had her first extended stay in the downstairs realm. We set up her bouncer (Shannon and I had to take it apart twice before we figured it out), set it on the counter, and set Katelyn Grace in it. : )

She woke up soon and started looking around and making precious little noises. Look at her tiny little fingers!

We put on Sarah Brown's CD, I Belong to Jesus, and she was just fascinated with it. She kept looking drowsily at the radio, seemingly curious about the music that was coming out of that strange little box over there.

Of course, all of the excitement wore her out and she soon fell back into an adorable slumber.

What with all of this sleeping and eating, she's having a hard time finding any free time to do anything!

(Speaking of finding time to get things done ... I know I've been promising an update from Mom for the past few days. She said to apologize profusely to all of you for not getting it up by now. What with all of the kindly phone calls coming in, the joy of taking care of Katelyn Grace, and the responsibility of giving instructions to keep the household running smoothly ... well, it's hard for her to find time to work on the blog. With that said ... she is working on it slowly but steadily, and hopefully it will be up soon!)

Katelyn Grace has started lifting her head and holding it up, and she's barely four days old! Apparently, this is quite a step for a down syndrome baby, since they tend to have problems with muscle weakness. Praise the Lord!

She focused on herself today in the little mirror in her crib. I really am afraid she is going to grow up to be a very vain young lady ... but with good cause, of course!

From almost the day she was born, she has been focusing on faces and following sounds around the room.

The day after she was born, she sucked her thumb, which apparently requires some muscle coordination!!! : )

We are so thankful for this little bundle of joy, and look forward to many, many more "firsts"!


Anonymous said...

These pictures are adorable!! She looks so different already! (But still as cute!)

FitzClan said...

Hi Nicole! (This is our midwife, everyone!)

I guess we don't notice the changes as much, since we're seeing her every day! I definitely have to agree with you that she's cute, though!

Thanks for everything, Nicole! You're really wonderful, and Mom is so thankful that she had you as her midwife. You'll have to come and visit Katelyn Grace sometime really soon!