Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Praise the Lord! Her Heart Is Good!

We are so thankful! Katelyn Grace's heart is perfect!

Mom and I spent over four hours at the children's hospital yesterday taking Katelyn Grace to see the cardiologist. Katelyn Grace had an EKG, echocardiogram, and exam.

The doctor told us that any heart problems related to Down's Syndrome are congenital, and that they would show up now if she has any problems whatsoever.

He assured us that we have no Down's Syndrome-related heart problems to worry about ... ever!

We were ecstatically thankful!

Little Katelyn Grace was so patient during the echocardiogram. They had to put that cold gel on her, and I know she didn't like it. And the poor little thing was hooked up to several wires.

Finally, the precious baby fell asleep. Awwwww!

All of the doctors were so nice. We really appreciated their kindness and openness.

Oh, praise the Lord that Katelyn Grace doesn't have to go through the heart surgery that over half of Down's Syndrome babies have to go through! We are so blessed!


Anonymous said...

Praise the Lord! It is wonderful that she does not have heart problems!

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful child! You are blessed. Would you mind possibly contacting me via the website: as I have an idea I would love to discuss with you. Many thanks and regards, S