Sunday, February 4, 2007

Food, Glorious Food!!!

Everyone has been so kind! The Royals stopped by with yet another meal ... or two, rather. Some glorious chicken pot pies and three containers of soup!

Aunt Dottie, Uncle Mike, and Mary Margaret (our cousin) stopped by also with some wonderful spaghetti pie, salad, and delicious-looking garlic bread. (I'll be uploading pictures from their visit as soon as I'm done with this post.)

I'm afraid we're getting spoiled. But that's okay, I'm sure. : )

Oh, everyone is being so wonderful! We really have some wonderful friends and relatives! Thanks, everyone, so much! You don't know how much we appreciate your kindness!

Would you believe it? Mrs. Helen actually put Katelyn Grace's initials in the pies! "K" is on the first one, "G" is on the other one!

It makes me hungry just looking at it! Speaking of which ... I'd better go take the chicken pot pies out of the oven now!



EL said...

Hey, I'd make you all cookies or something if I was there. Like they say, "It's the thought that counts." =) The initials in the pies are too cute.

FitzClan said...

Awww, thank you so much Esther. I know ya'll would be a wonderful help if you lived closer. As it is, you all are such an encouragement to talk to on the phone, though!
